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Introduction to Effective Altruism (EA)

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What are the most pressing problems the world faces today?

What are the most pressing world problems?

<aside> ▪️ What are the most important moral problems of our time? | Will MacAskill


Big list of cause areas and the EA discourse related to each one (2020):

Big List of Cause Candidates - EA Forum

Want to figure out how to donate more effectively? 🎁



Animal Charity Evaluators | Helping People Help Animals

Giving What We Can Community: Maximise your charitable impact

Want to maximise the impact of your time and career? 🧭

<aside> ▪️ 80000 Hours Career Guide

Our new guide to doing good with your career

[Opportunities 🌟!!] 80000 Hours Job Board


<aside> ▪️ High Impact Professionals

Home | High Impact Professionals
